Clear Lake City Water Authority
900 Bay Area Blvd.
Houston, TX 77058
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat and Sun: Closed

Change or Add a Name on an Existing Utility Account
To Change or Add a name on an existing account:
Complete a Name Change Form and return it to the main office during business hours. (Adobe Reader 6.0 or higher required.)
Provide for Current Account Holder
Name, Account Number and Service Address
Provide for New Account Holder
Name, Drivers License, Contact Number and Social Security Number
Provide Additional Information
Effective Date and appropriate Documentation of name change
Note: Additional Deposit may be required
Please Note: This form is for utility account changes, it can not be used to make changes on Tax Account
Update Mailing Address on an Existing Utility Account
To change your mailing address on an existing account:
Complete an Address Change Form and return it to the main office during business hours. (Adobe Reader 6.0 or higher required.)
Provide account name, account number, Old Mailing Address, New Mailing Address and Effective Date
Delivery Options include:
Mailing the form to 900 Bay Area Blvd, Houston TX 77058
Emailing a copy of the completed Address Change Form to customerservice@clcwa.org
Please Note: This form is for utility account changes, it can not be used to make changes on Tax Account