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Management of Authority

The Authority is governed by a board of five directors which has control over and management supervision of all affairs of the Authority.  All of the Directors reside and own taxable property within the Authority. Directors of the Authority are elected to serve four-year staggered terms, and elections are held in even-numbered years.  The members and officers of the Board of Directors of the Authority, along with their terms, are listed below.

(For contact information, please call the CLCWA main office at 281-488-1164 during normal operating hours)

Board of Directors



Term Date


Conflict Disclosure

Thomas Morrow




Robert Savely

Vice President


John Graf



Anthea Guest




Special Message From The Board of Directors

Thank you to all those who voted in the May 7, 2022 bond election.  The Clear Lake City Water Authority's Board of Directors sends our gratitude and thanks, After the ballots were counted, 66% of you approved the Board's request for additional bond authority. We are very grateful that so many of you continue to put your faith in our decisions.  With this new bond authority, the CLCWA will be able to improve its systems infrastructure and services for everyone in the community without increasing your ad valorem tax rate or water rate for these improvements.  Your faith in us is humbling and we are all energized to continue our duties overseeing your water authority and the great service the water authority employees deliver to us all.

Board Meetings

Please see the posted agenda for participation details.

The next scheduled board meeting will be held in Special Session on Thursday, February 20, 2025 at 9:00am.

The following scheduled board meeting will be held in Regular Session on Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 7:00pm.


Due to COVID-19 meetings are held in person and by video conference.**

Agendas / Meeting Minutes

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